
Lajlim Yang
Director of International Programs and Workforce Development
Lajlim Yang is currently Director of International Programs and Workforce Development at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension, in Santa Clara, California.
About the Webinar
5 Key Takeaways:
- Learn about the difference between a Master’s degree and a post-graduate certificate program and find out which one will make the most sense for your career aspirations.
- Learn what you can expect to learn in a UCSC certificate program and its structure from courses to OPT.
- Learn types of work and jobs have past students obtained.
- Learn what is the cost of attendance.
- Learn who will be your instructors and classmates.
Who is UCSC Silicon Valley Extension?
UCSC Extension provides professional training that reflects the University of California’s academic rigor and the hands-on, roll-up-your-shirtsleeves practicality of Silicon Valley culture. Developed with guidance from key industry leaders and academic experts, UCSC Extension’s courses and programs match a wide range of industries’ demands. We serve:
- New college graduates needing practical skills.
- People in the workforce looking to update skills or change direction.
- And lastly lifelong learners interested in studying with industry experts in the heart of Silicon Valley.