
Anna Karpova
Head of the Academic Services Office
Anna has a 10+ years professional experience in the field of education and teaching and had been working in the leading universities in Saint Petersburg. At ITMO, Anna works on planning and organization of the study process and provides academic support to students and staff.

Olya Vashchenko
Manager of International Educational Programs Office
Olya is in charge of the outbound semester exchange mobility programs and is coordinating international educational master’s programs. She is a so-called third-culture kid who spent 10 years living abroad, which makes her very experienced when it comes to helping students adapt to the international education environment.

Tatiana Banderova
Manager of International Admission Office
With a 6-years’ work experience in international students’ recruitment and admissions, student mobility programs and student administrative support, Tatiana oversees admission to ITMO University’s international programs, provides administrative and advisory support to international students and assists with student recruitment.
Alina Korchilava
ITMO’s student, Coordinator of Buddy Systems Club
Alina studies Photonics and Optics and regularly participates in various international events organized at ITMO. Alina is an active member of the Student Council and the Buddy System Club. She helps international students to adapt in the university and the city, organizes excursions, out-of-town trips, assists with administrative formalities and helps students find new friends.

Raisa Magdieva
Manager of International Students Learning and Support Center
Raisa administers admission to ITMO’s full-time Bachelor’s and Master’s programs via the scholarship programs offered by the Russian Government. She also supports international students throughout their studies and helps them adjust to the Russian educational system and socio-cultural environment at large.

Polina Khapaeva
Director for Development at ChemBio Cluster
Polina has 5 years of work experience in HR field. In 2017, she joined ITMO University as Director for Development of ChemBio Cluster where she is in charge of the students’ recruitment, HR, PR, events, and international cooperation.

Aliya Sakharieva
Head of the Art & Science Center
Warwick University graduate and current art history student, Aliya is interested in Science Art, the relationship between art and politics, as well as arts and cultural management. At ITMO, Aliya coordinates ITMO’s MSc program in Art&Science and the Art.ITMO.Residency program for new media artists.

Elvira Timofeeva
Coordinator at Physics and Engineering Department
Elvira is ITMO’s graduate with the study abroad experience. At ITMO, Elvira works as the international students’ and staff coordinator at Physics and Engineering Department. She also administers the academic mobility and partnerships at the Department and teaches Physics for programmers.
Ekaterina Bashkatova
Manager of Career Services Center
The Career Services Center is the connecting link between companies, students, and alumni, offering resources and support through all stages of their career. Here, international students can get a head start on their job search, polish their interview skills, and acquire the most up-to-date information.
Anna Minina
Manager of Career Services Center
About the Webinar
IT’sMO than a university
Do you want to study at one of Russian top universities? Are you looking for broad opportunities for personalized studies, career development and international experience? ITMO University (University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics) is the place which can offer you all of those!
Join our webinar to know more about the wide range of opportunities which are available at ITMO for international students:
- Personalized study tracks (flexible curricular, elective disciplines, blended education etc.)
- International academic mobility programs (exchange semesters abroad, double-degree programs)
- Administrative support (immigration services, student advisory services etc.)
- Accommodation offerings (student dormitories, partner hotels, tutors’ assistance in searching for apartments for rent etc.)
- Social support (Buddy program, student communities, sports clubs etc.)
- Scholarships for international students (Russian Government scholarship program, Open Doors International Olympiad)
- ITMO’s scholarships (financial support for the most talented students)
- Career development (jobs for students, internships, career advising services etc.)
Don’t miss a chance to know more about all the opportunities which are waiting for you at ITMO University!