English language courses in Boston: which options?

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If you're planning to study English in Boston, Massachussetts, you already know it's a win-win: excellent academic reputation, international atmosphere and some of the world's top universities and colleges turn this in one of the best places in the US to study abroad. Discover what else is waiting for you in Boston.

Boston School of Modern Languages (BSML) is a private language institution that offers year-round intensive and semi-intensive English language programs.

We are America’s first and most respected English Language School. Since 1925, we have educated thousands of students and professionals from all over the world. We are the school of choice for professionals and students who are seeking a Pathway program to transition to an American high school, college, or university.

BSML has an outstanding reputation and a significant number of our students come to us by word of mouth. We are unique in offering our students an educational and cultural experience not found in other English language schools and programs.

English Programs

Super Intensive English: Designed for professionals and serious academics who seek a highly effective English immersion program.

Semi-Intensive and Intensive English: Designed for those who seek a highly effective English immersion program to master the language.

TOEFL and IELTS Preparation: This course leads students to success on the test.

University Preparation Program: Designed for advanced-level students who want to prepare for entry to an American university. Students are introduced to college-level texts and assignments.

Pathway Program: Designed to help students and professionals transition to high school, college or universities.

Business English: Our courses offer a variety of options to suit the needs and budget of every business executive.

Youth and Children’s Program: BSML offers English courses for everyone starting at 6 years of age.

Summer Programs: Our summer programs are designed so that families can come to BSML together.

English and Sports:

· English and Basketball

· English and Baseball

· English and Golf

We author and publish our own textbooks, so our staff is thoroughly familiar with the material. They contain clear explanations of the lesson content with numerous exercises and activities to practice the material. Teachers bring the topics to life and show students how each lesson will improve their English.

All members of the BSML staff, whether administrators or instructors, believe that second language acquisition is a holistic experience. We understand that students learn best in a classroom environment that enables them to learn the rules of the language in a conversational way, and to reinforce them through constant practice. Our classes are student-centered and our teachers encourage interaction among students on topics relating to their experiences and interests. Moreover, we believe that learning continues outside the classroom, with off-campus after-school activities, and daily homework assignments.

Methodology & Curriculum

Our methodology is unique and effective, having been developed and refined for almost 90 years. Our program focuses on the core fundamental skills needed to achieve proficiency in English: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. BSML’s curriculum consists of 12 English skill levels from beginner to advanced. Each level lasts four weeks and consists of a combination of required core classes and elective courses, allowing students to integrate their English language studies with their personal interests and individual needs. 

All students take the three core classes of structure (grammar), vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions in the morning. To complete their schedule, intermediate and advanced students may choose from a number of elective classes later in the morning and in the afternoon. We offer our students a diverse list of elective classes to choose from: Conversation, Speaking Drills, Pronunciation, Film Studies, Reading, TOEFL Preparation, Verb Tenses, Chorus, Writing, Super Idioms, Drama, English through Songs, Dictation, Grammar, Yoga and Meditation, Grammar Review, and Prepositions to name a few. BSML recognizes the individual differences in students and provides help and encouragement. Students demonstrating less than optimal progress receive counseling to identify problem areas and to develop a strategic plan for improvement. For those who need extra help, a teacher is available after classes every day to assist with review and to answer questions. 

Campus and Location

Our beautiful campus is in a historic and well maintained granite stone building located in a residential neighborhood of Boston, just minutes from the city's most important locations. The area has been designated “Hometown U.S.A.” because of the small-town atmosphere and its typical American lifestyle. The campus offers 24 comfortable classrooms, a performance theater, video entertainment room, prayer room, cafeteria and a spacious dining hall, serving breakfast and lunch every weekday. There is also a computer lab with state-of-the-art computers, free wi-fi service throughout the campus, and several student lounge areas where students can socialize. 

BSML’s campus is conveniently located within walking distance of most of our specially selected American families and student apartments. Students are able to walk to and from school, most of their housing, and recreational areas.

BSML is just minutes from:

• Host Families and Student apartments: 10 – 25 minutes 

• Back Bay and Copley Square: 9 minutes

• Logan Airport: 28 minutes

• Harvard University: 24 minutes

• MIT: 20 minutes

• Downtown Crossing: 21 minutes

Housing Options

We offer options to suit every need and budget, including American-style host families, shared student apartments, private student apartments, executive luxury apartments, and dormitory-style housing.

 All of our host families and student apartments are within walking distance or a short bus ride to the school. No other school in Boston offers such quality and convenience. BSML’s host family program is recognized as one of the finest in the United States. Our staff works with each student to ensure he/she has a wonderful living experience. 


Source: Boston School of Modern Languages (BSML)