Not one, not two, but three (!) institutions from Western Australia made it to the Top 35 of the most international universities worldwide, according to the Times Higher Education ranking. More reasons to believe this is the best place to take a higher education program in Australia? Check them out now.
Times Higher Education (THE) have ranked three WA universities in the top 35 most international universities in the world.
Curtin University, in Perth, was ranked the best Australian university at number 10, equally ranked with Australian National University in Canberra.
The University of Western Australia was ranked #25, while Murdoch University was ranked #33.
The ranking is based on universities’ performance in the international outlook indicator on THE’s flagship World University Ranking 2014/15.
The Times Higher Education World Ranking is the only global university performance table to judge world-class universities across all of their core missions – teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.
The Times Higher Education (THE) ranks the above using the following criteria:
- Universities must be ranked in THE Top 400 universities in the world to be considered
- Institution’s percentage of international staff
- International student numbers
- Proportion of its research papers published with a co-author from at least one other country.

WA universities featured in Top 100 Under 50 years old
Using the same indicators, with careful re-calibration to reflect special characteristic of younger universities, Times Higher Education also ranked Murdoch University at #65 in the Top 100 University under 50 years old.
Two other universities in WA also made the list, Curtin University at #81 and Edith Cowan University at #90.
Education in Perth is internationally recognised for excellence. Its institutions are world-class and provide qualifications which will take you wherever you want to go.
Perth, the capital of Western Australia, offers world-class education, excellent infrastructure and natural beauty.
A cosmopolitan city of 2.02 million people, every year more and more students are discovering why Perth is the ideal place to study. Its appeal is based on the excellence, diversity and affordability of education, with opportunities for quality learning and research that range from specialized schools and vocational training, to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
Source: StudyPerth