As one of the safest, innovative and emerging countries in Latin America, Chile is the perfect destination to take the next step in your professional education. Research has become one of the main drivers of economic development worldwide. Therefore the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile has focused all its efforts on the implementation of academic environments that promote the development of cutting-edge research.
The quality of education at UC has been prevalent since its founding in 1888 and is currently reflected in the 39 doctoral programs offered by the university across 18 faculties in many areas of knowledge.
Completing the highest academic degree abroad may bring multiple benefits to your academic, personal and professional life: You will be able to become an expert in the topic or area of your choice, as well as have multiple networking opportunities and the possibility of publishing in specialized research media. In this article, we will inform you of some of the reasons why the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile could be the perfect institution to pursue your PhD abroad.
If you would like to study a PhD in Chile, please contact a UC representative by completing the following form.
Research and development with UC
The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was classified as one of the top universities in LATAM according to the QS Latin American University Rankings 2020, has stood out within the international academic community for its active participation in research initiatives and in 2019 had 2,466 research articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS), 2,574 publications in Scopus.
The university actively encourages its doctoral students to participate in these research publications that involve disciplines ranging from the arts to neuroscience. As a consequence, from 2012-2018, its graduates were involved in 5,173 articles published in journals indexed in WoS and 5,480 publications in Scopus. In addition, UC offers different resources and facilities for the development of high global impact research.

Biological sciences laboratory
UC Network of Centers and Field Research Stations (RCER)
UC has a network of six regional centers and field research stations located throughout the country. Its latest generation infrastructure and the strategic location of each of the centers allows the exploration and analysis of ecosystems, natural resources and environmental changes in the country, as well as the opportunities for the development of local Chilean communities.

"Atacama Desert UC Center – Alto Patache"
In addition, this university has an innovation center, which focuses on promoting the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship both in its academic community and across the country. In this center, students have the opportunity to develop R&D projects - research and development - in collaboration with 100 Chilean companies committed to the nation's progress.

UC Innovation Center.
Furthermore, UC is associated with 22 scientific centers of excellence in various disciplines such as; biomedicine, environment, astronomy, society, energy, technology and so on. There, spaces are created to promote knowledge, generate conversations and contribute to the country's development with a community of 1,740 researchers and professionals.
Scholarships and financing opportunities
UC hosts about 1,300 doctoral students, of which 29% are international students from different countries around the world.
UC offers its students (both local and international without distinction) several external funding alternatives supported by institutions such as ANID -the National Agency for Research and Development-, as well as internal scholarships opportunities granted by the Vice Rector's Office for Research, “VRI scholarship”.
Currently, +90% of doctoral students at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile have a full scholarship from one of the above mentioned (covering tuition fees and living expenses for USD 1000 per month). For this purpose, UC has an ANID Scholarship Application Support Program, which year after year is implemented to support all national and international applicants to its programs in order to maximize the chances of awarding scholarships to UC applicants.
Other academic services are offered
Focusing on the comprehensive development of its students and their career development, UC offers a transversal skills program that includes different workshops aimed exclusively at doctoral students in order to prepare them for professional and academic environments. These workshops include:
- English and Spanish programs
- Transfer and intellectual property workshop
- Teaching skills training
- Academic writing workshop in English and Spanish
- Academic presentations in English
- Research ethics and integrity

UC Students
Internationalization opportunities
The doctoral programs at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, are carefully designed to direct you towards a professional career focused on internationalization. They include internships abroad as a graduation requirement, as well as attendance to international congresses, invitation of international researchers, organization of seminars, all sponsored by the UC, allowing you to establish academic and professional links with research communities worldwide.
UC also offers the opportunity to get a double degree or a joint degree with a foreign university. In the last 10 years, more than 120 of its graduates have received a double degree from institutions of excellence around the world. These opportunities will undoubtedly enrich your academic experience and your professional curriculum, preparing you for an increasingly competitive labour market.
Do not miss the opportunity to access all the benefits offered by the UC to its doctoral students. Embark on an academic journey that will fill you with unforgettable experiences in a vibrant country, with immeasurable cultural and natural treasures.
Dare to belong to an ever-growing intellectual community and become a world-class researcher with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
If you are interested in more information about doctoral programs at UC, please complete the form below.