Every year Florence is chosen by thousands of students as a destination not only for their educational careers but also as an international experience. An authentic full immersion in fashion and art. It was indeed in Florence that Italian fashion began.

Polimoda offers an international study experience in a unique context, while boasting state-of-the-art teaching of Polimoda’s team of lecturers and professionals. Mindful of how rapidly the fashion world is changing, Polimoda offers a broad range of courses in both Italian and English. Polimoda proposes Masters in English which allow students not only to explore key topics of the fashion sector but also to get to know an area that is the homeland of Italian savoir-faire and the success of Made in Italy in the world.

The Polimoda Master courses offer real answers, training the professional profiles that the market wants.

TREND FORECASTING – The profession of the future

As one of the most renowned experts in the sector Lidewij Edelkoort puts it: “trend forecasting is like archaeology, but of the future,” in other words, you analyse little fragments of the current culture to predict what will happen in the future.

This is a one-of-a-kind Master in which Polimoda boasts great expertise, relying on a team of the most knowledgeable and visionary teachers. Students will learn how to analyse ideas and cultural phenomena and then apply them, not only to the field of fashion, but to every branch of design.

Factored into the curriculum of the course are projects, collaborations and field visits to trend forecasting agencies that are world leaders in this area, such as Lidewij Edelkoort, Trendunion (Paris), WGSN (London) and Trendstop (London), to mention but a few. Students can also acquire precious hands-on experience in view of the numerous opportunities for international internships  


Curso de moda em Itália

FASHION STYLING – Editing fashion

In today’s world, styling is increasingly becoming as important as design: the search for the suitable context with the right details and accompanied by visual elements that forcefully bring out the affirmation of an idea or an identity. Styling is an ever-present aspect of fashion, from the presentation of a collection through to its publication in the media.


The Fashion Stylist Master course aims to train a professional figure capable of identifying the trends of the future, defining the image of a collection or the positioning of a brand and inventing fashion icons, working in collaboration with designers, artistic directors, magazines, shops, advertising agencies and celebrities. During the course, attention will be aimed above all at publishing activities, comprising the production of reportages and look books through to understanding the relationship between the photographer and the publisher.

BRAND MANAGEMENT – Understanding the DNA of a label

The figure who is capable of managing the brand challenges is the brand manager, a specialist in configuring, preserving, renewing, communicating and marketing a luxury fashion brand in all its specificity. The brand manager is at once visionary and pragmatic, because he or she manages the creative potential of a brand and conserves its heritage.

A leader, but also good at relating to others, he or she works on both tangible and intangible values; the brand manager is competitive, but overleaps competition via innovation. He or she works both inside and outside the box, being involved in a complex process that goes from production through to communication.


FASHION MERCHANDISING & BUYING – The strength of the product and its distribution

The fashion merchandiser and buyer conserve knowledge and foster innovation, check trends and maintain the identity of the brand, maximising creativity and balancing the collection.

This course allows students to grasp all the variables that distinguish the identity of one brand from its competitors so as to select the trump products for a boutique. Intuiting and interpreting trends, being able to rationalise and optimise the offer plan, choosing the best assortment for the store: these are the strong points in the training of a buyer, one of the most strategic and sought-after professional figures in the fashion market. The Fashion Buyer and the Merchandiser both boast profound knowledge of the product and of retail strategies; they are capable of fusing managerial, administrative and technical knowledge with a mastery of the creative aspects.


LUXURY & LIFESTYLE MANAGEMENT – Understanding and managing the intangible

Polimoda's FacilitiesThere is no universal definition for luxury: for some people it means the best that money can buy, and it’s a question of ostentation, whereas for others it’s an evasion, the best that money can’t buy. Luxury can be costly, superfluous and expensive, or self-indulgent, top quality and sophisticated.

This Master course teaches students to understand, implement and market the key values of various products and services which, when mingled in different doses can add up to every possible definition of Luxury: design, craftsmanship, quality, brand, price, prestige, sacredness, authenticity, exclusivity and uniqueness.

Luxury does not exist in nature, this course teaches how to create it, managing and balancing scarcity and abundance, heritage and innovation. Graduates can thus become junior executives in the distribution and sale of luxury products or choose to become specialists and consultants in a specific area of lifestyle.